20 Fun Things You Can Do While You Are At Home During Quarantine!! | Spending Quality Time With Family

Today we will see 20 Fun Things You Can Do During Quarantine At Home. 

Hello, my beautiful people! 😍
Sometimes in life things happen when they are least expected. No one in the world would have imagined a lockdown at such an intense level when 2020 started. However as we are heading towards mid of the year, many countries had already finished almost 2 months of lockdown and it may go even more.
Many people were shocked at the beginning, some were happy, some were unhappy and slowly many people started becoming bored at home. I understand it is not easy to be at home every day for this long period. Let's be safe but not bored. Today I am sharing 20 fun things to do at home while you are stuck with the lockdown!

20 Fun Things You Can Do While You Are At Home During Quarantine!!

Fun Things You Can Do While You Are At Home!

1. Play Board Games With Family.
2. Watch Your Favorite Movies And Seasons.
3. Paint Something even if you do not know anything about Painting.
4. Read a new book, something you wanted to read for a long time.
5. Learn a New Language. One of the popular apps for learning is DuoLingo.
6. Bake Something New, a cookie, bread, cake, or anything else you like.
7. Cook Something New. Try new recipes. Don't be afraid to experiment.
8. Dance like no one is watching. Tune into your favorite song and start dancing.
9. Decorate Your Garden. Give some extra love to your Plants.
10. Make a Movie. Collect your photos, do some acting, record the videos, and make a blockbuster movie.
11. Call your disconnected friends. Contact the people, you haven't talked in a year.
12. Take a bubble bath or a relaxing shower.
13. Start writing a story, poem, or anything you like. You can start a new journal too.
14. Do Makeup, just try different looks.
15. Spend Time On Your Beauty Care, put on some Face Packs.
16. ReOrganize Your Home. Clean out your closet and get rid of some old boring things.
17. Cut Your Hair. Try this only if you are really really bored with your hairstyle.
18. Start making TikTok Videos.
19. Try-On Your Wedding Dress Or any Old Clothes.
20. Do Yoga Or Exercises.

I hope you like this article. If you have also some fun activities to do please share with us in the comments section. Like and share this article with others. Follow us on Khushi's World Facebook Page, Instagram, and Pinterest. See our image usage policy here. I will see you in the next post till then take care.

Stay Special .. Be Blessed

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