Are you still stick to your New Year Resolution??

Hello my beautiful friends! 😍
First of all Happy July!! Half of the year has been completed & exactly half is remaining.
Did you guys still remember the time of Jan; the start of the year when we all made so many resolutions?? Yes !! every New Year, New Resolutions :) We all do this every year as a habit.
But frankly tell me one thing "Are you guys still stick to your New Year Resolution". We all become so busy in our day to day life that we always forget the things which we start. Here are some easy tips through which I can help you to complete all your Resolutions which you planned to finish up this year.

Are you still stick to your New Year Resolution??

To start with below are 2 quotes which are very important & we always hear :-

1.  "It's Never too late to Start again" !! Who haven't heard this quote in their life. We all know this, so understand & tell yourself that we can still finish up our started resolution or start something we planned as we have still 6 months left.

2.  "Better late than Never" !! This quote is for all those people who are making the excuse that this year is almost gone & we will try to complete our Resolution next year. Guys not doing something will never ever give you the results, its better to start again & do something.

Although I am having pretty much confidence on you guys that now you are going to complete your resolution in the remaining year. Still if you have even the slightest of doubt in your mind then I have the best tip of mine which I have been following in my life which is
"Every day is a special day". You don't need to wait for new year to start something fresh. You can start anything new on any day because "in our life every single day comes only one time, it never repeats". For eg : 2-6-14 this date you may find nothing special but the truth is this date is unique & will never come again once the day is over. I hope you got my point.
Now lets jump to the tips on how we can make our resolution practically possible!!

Tips to complete our Resolution 

1. Right Time is now!!

As I told you every day is special so first of all make up your mind that you don't need any particular day, at present moment is the right time to do what you want to do. Guys "If you want to do something, do it right now".

2. Be Realistic!

Be Realistic with our-self is the most important thing in our life. You know your limitations & potential. So understand yourself first then make your Resolution according to that. Be realistic in writing your resolutions.
For Eg: If you want to reduce your weight than understand your body type & its related problems. May be you want to reduce 25kgs but your body will not be able to bear that much. Another example which I am giving now is with many of us here. We join gym at the start of the year with the resolution to come 2 hours daily. Slowly within few days you will even find it difficult to go there even for half an hour.

3. Be specific, write it on paper & break it into small chunks!

Make a small diary & write down all your resolutions so that you understand them better. Be very specific add even the smallest details. After that Break down it into smaller portions so that you can able to do.
For Eg: If you want to be a topper than write down that how much percentage you want, & then be Specific how many hours you can give to your study & how much syllabus you want to complete per week & so on.

4. Focus on one think at a time & get Support!

Rather than doing so many big changes in your life start at a time try with the small things one by one. Get support, try to talk to someone, it will give you some encouragement.
For Eg: If you want to stay healthy & you decide to try everything. You want to try yoga, gym & walk but understand that if you start trying everything at the same time you will not stick to your goal for longer. It's better to plan things as alternate, you can go to gym for a week, try yoga for the next week, it all depends on you. Try to go with someone so that you will get support & will not get bored too. 😉

5. Review & Reward!

Every end of the week or month it's very important to Review your progress. This introspection will give you the reality check. At the same time it's very important to give some Rewards to our-self so that we stay motivated.

Last but not the least always remember that "Never be too hard to yourself & never compare your success or failures to others". If something is not completed today don't be dishearten, remember that "whose thing which are not completed today will complete tomorrow".

I hope all this tips will be helpful to all of you and we all can complete our resolution at the end of this year. If you like this post do share it with your family and friends. Follow me on Khushi's World Facebook Page, Google+ , Instagram and Pinterest for more Posts. I will see you in next post till then take care.

Stay Special .. Be Blessed

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